The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council Airport Committee is a new committee that will consider questions regarding aviation, air traffic, and airport activity that affect Sherman Oaks.
Bob Bramen, Chair
Tom Materna, Vice Chair
Lisa Petrus, Vice Chair
Joe Cappelletti
Tom Capps
Roslyn Dahl
Llyswen Franks
Mission of Airport Committee
The mission of the Airport Committee is to receive and provide notice to affected stakeholders of the proposed issues and/or actions under its purview relative to Burbank and Van Nuys Airports; research each issue in an effort to develop a thorough understanding of any given proposal or activity; notice to all parties on all sides of any proposal or issue; provide ample and balanced opportunity to be heard; balance the interests of the affected stakeholders and the community at large; and to make specific recommendations to the SONC and the City of Los Angeles regarding approval, disapproval, or modification of issues or actions that come before it.
If you have something to present to the committee, click on the email of the committee chair. In your email give a brief description of the issue, its location, any information on timing, and your contact information including telephone number. You will be contacted by a committee member to coordinate your appearance before the committee.
The Airport Committee meets on an as needed basis, which generally will be on the fourth Monday of the month. Check the meeting notice or the agenda for time and location. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend.
Van Nuys Airport and Burbank Airport Governing Boards
Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) Board of Airport Commissioners (BOAC), owners of Van Nuys Airport (VNY), meet the first and third Thursday of each month at 10:00 am at the Administration building at LAX. (Webpage:
Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport Authority (BGPAA), owners of Burbank Airport (BUR) meet the first and third Monday in February, April, May, June, and October; and the third Monday in January, March, July, August, September, November, and December at 9:00 am in the Sky Room on the second floor of the Main Terminal at BUR. (Webpage:
The VNY Citizens Advisory Council (CAC) an advisory body to the BOAC meets the first Tuesday of each month at the VNY Flyaway meeting room on the second floor at 7:00 pm*. Webpage:
Filing a Noise Complaint
Both VNY and BUR have several ways of filing noise complaints by phone or on their websites. However it is a tedious process requiring identifying the offending aircraft using a third party website such as FlightAware.
It is also possible to file noise complaints more easily using a commercial website called air has three levels of subscription ranging from: (1) free (limited to 30 complaints/month) ; (2) $6/month for unlimited complaints; to (3) purchase of a noise button for $44 + $6/month that files a complaint automatically whenever the airnoise button is pressed.
* CAC is meeting at the Van Nuys City Hall, 14410 Sylvan Street in Van Nuys while the VNY Vision Study is taking place.
The Airport Committee conducts its business by reviewing and prioritizing agenda requests for Board action (generally either in the form of a motion or letter) or announcements submitted by stakeholders, governmental entities and other interested individuals and organizations. The Administrative Committee has the discretion to postpone an request, refer it to a specific committee for review and recommendation, treat it as an announcement or consider and resolve it as a non-Board administrative matter.
CLICK HERE to fill out an Agenda Request.
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