SONC Supports Commission on Lived Experience for Homelessness

Posted on 09/10/2024

Los Angeles City Council and its Committees
Nithya Raman, Housing and Homelessness Committee Chair 

ForCF 19-1020. Commission on Lived Experience with Homelessness.

To City Council and Housing and Homelessness Committee Chair Nithya Raman,

The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) in a 12-2 vote at its September 9, 2024 meeting adopted a position to support CF 19-1020. SONC requests Housing and Homelessness Committee Chair Nithya Raman bring this item to the City Council.

The motion is as follows:

The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) supports Council File 19-1020 which seeks to establish a Commission on Lived Experience with Homelessness, composed entirely of people who are currently, or have been in the recent past, homeless in Los Angeles. 

Considering the recent passage and multiple extensions of an Emergency Ordinance regarding the unhoused resident population, and the quickly approaching Council File deadline, this matter should be considered extremely urgent.

We request that the Housing and Homelessness Committee Chair, Councilmember Raman of District 4 bring the item to City Council forthwith; and report back to SONC within 30 days.


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